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Bus Adventures with Benny the Beaver

Join Benny the Plum Beaver and his friends—a wise owl, a playful rabbit, and a cheerful squirrel—as they experience magical moments on the bus ride home.

Once upon a time in a peaceful forest, a friendly beaver named Benny lived in a cozy den.

Benny was special; his fur was a brilliant plum color that sparkled in the sunlight.

One sunny day, Benny’s friends—Olivia the wise owl, Rufus the playful rabbit, and Sara the cheerful squirrel—decided it was time to ride the bus together.

“Let’s hurry!

The bus is leaving!” chirped Rufus, doing little hops of excitement.

They scampered down the path, reaching the bus just in time.

As they hopped on, the bus driver, a kindly tortoise named Mr.

Teddles, smiled warmly.

With a gentle rumble, the bus started its journey.

The forest whizzed by, and Benny looked out the window, marveling at the sights.


There’s the shimmering river!” he exclaimed, pointing with his little paw.

Suddenly, the bus rumbled and shook, and they found themselves in a small, enchanted glade.

Sparkling fireflies lit up around them, swirling and dancing to a magical tune.

Benny and his friends couldn’t believe their eyes!

“Let’s join the dance!” suggested Sara, and off they went, giggling and twirling, surrounded by the twinkling lights.

Time flew by, and soon Mr.

Teddles called out, “It’s time to go home!” As the bus returned to the forest, Benny felt happy.

He loved adventures with his friends.

When they arrived home, they promised to ride the bus again and explore more magical places together.

And with that, Benny snuggled into his den, dreaming of the wonderful ride that awaited them tomorrow.