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Flora the Flamingo and the Tick-Tock Town

In the quaint town of Tick-Tock, a friendly moccasin-colored flamingo named Flora uses her special talent to help her animal friends by fixing their broken clocks.

Once upon a time in the cheerful town of Tick-Tock, all the clocks had suddenly stopped ticking!

The sun had trouble knowing when to rise and the stars seemed to twinkle in confusion.

The lovely townsfolk—the rabbits, squirrels, and even the wise old owl—gathered in the park, unsure of how to tell the time.

Flora the flamingo noticed her friends were worried.

With her dazzling moccasin feathers glimmering in the sunlight, she fluttered down to the park.

“Don’t worry, my friends!

I can help fix your clocks!” she chirped with a bright smile.

With a joyful bow, Flora set off on her task.

First, she visited Benny the bunny, who had a tiny clock that hadn't ticked for weeks.

Flora gave it a gentle tap with her wing, and “Tick-Tock!” went the clock—Benny jumped with joy!

Next, she approached Sally the squirrel, whose clock was covered in sticky acorn bits.

With a little twist and a clean in the right places, Flora made it tick again!

Soon, Sally was dancing around her tree with delight.

Finally, Flora flew up to the wise old owl, Oliver, whose ancient grandfather clock had fallen silent.

With a sprinkle of her magical flamingo dust and a little song, the clock chimed beautifully once more!

As the sun set and the stars began to shine, Tick-Tock Town buzzed with cheer.

Flora stood on her colorful legs, happy to have helped her friends.

“Remember,” she whispered, “together, we can always find the time to help each other.” And with that, all the animals settled down for a peaceful night, their clocks ticking softly in harmony.