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Benny the Beaver's Big Splash

Benny the sandy-brown beaver learns to conquer his fear of water with the help of his quirky animal friends.

Once upon a time in the sparkling land of Willow Creek, there lived a sandy brown beaver named Benny.

Benny loved building dams and munching on tasty tree bark, but there was one thing Benny was afraid of—swimming!

"Benny, why don't you come and swim with us?" chirped Lila the cheerful swallow, swooping down from her favorite tree.

"The water is so much fun!" Benny shook his furry head.

"Oh, no! I'm just a beaver, and beavers don't swim…do they?" His best friends, Sammy the wise turtle and Freddie the funny frog, hopped over.

"Of course, we do!" croaked Freddie, splashing his green legs.

"You can be the best swimmer ever, Benny!" "But I've never even been in the water!" Benny exclaimed, nervously swishing his tail.

"Let’s take it one step at a time!" Sammy suggested, slowly waddling toward the riverbank.

“Start by dipping your toes!” Benny took a deep breath and stepped into the cool water.

"Oh, this isn’t so bad!" he gasped.

With a little encouragement, he finally took the plunge, splashing in with a great big *swoosh*!

“Yay, Benny!” cheered his friends as they paddled around him in a happy whirl.

Benny wiggled his tail and discovered he could glide through the water just like a pro!

From that day on, Benny wasn't just a beaver; he was Benny the swimming beaver, splashing happily with Lila, Sammy, and Freddie every sunny afternoon.

And when bedtime came, he snuggled into his cozy lodge, dreaming of all the watery adventures yet to come.

And so, Benny learned that sometimes, diving into the unknown is the best way to find your joy!